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Contoh Jenis-Jenis Text Bahasa Inggris

Hey, pelajaaaaar. ;)
Yah, saya yang notabene juga pernah merasakan sebagai pelajar, pasti pernah merasakan apa kalian rasakan sekarang ini deh. Yang namanya kebingungan bikin tugas atau PR-PR, ujung-ujungnya males mikir, terus search deh di Om Gugel. Aaaah, anak muda zaman sekarang emaaaang [HAHA, saya juga :p].  Nah, kebetulan saya masih punya nih file-file tugas di masa SMA, semoga bisa bermanfaat dan bisa membantu ya. Silahkan kalau mau dilirik dan dibaca, boleh, asal jangan lupa cantumkan sumber ya kalau mau di co-pas, hehe :) 

Tugas Bahasa Inggris [Jenis-Jenis Text]
  •  Contoh Recount Text :

My Last Holiday
Last holiday, I went to Magelang.  It was in Central Java.  I went to there with my father.  I would take SKHUN in my Junior High School 2 Magelang.  I waited this moment for enough time.  Because I would meet my beloved person and also my bestfriends.  We had been 3 years never face to face.  It was so long time, wasn’t it?

On Saturday night, I and my father left Tasikmalaya.  We went to Magelang by Budiman bus.  On the way, I couldn’t sleep.  So, I listened music from handphone.  I also imagined about my beloved person and my bestfriends in Magelang.  Oh, I really miss them!

At 03.00 am, we arrived at Magelang.  We looked for a motel.  We would stay in there for a day.  At 07.00 am, my beloved person invited me.  Oh, my heart beaten faster than usual.  He was so cool and handsome!  We went to my Junior High School by motorcycle.  And my father stayed in the motel.

We arrived at school and took my SKHUN.  After that, we went to the mall.  We would spend a day together.  We had lunch.  We shared everything about us.  It was about three hours. I never felt happy like that!

Then, I called my bestfriends.  They came to the mall. I was happy to meet them.  We spent one hour together.  At 11.00 am, we must went to home.  I said goodbye to my bestfriends.  I and my beloved person returned to the motel.  Because I and my father must back to Tasikmalaya at 02.00 pm.

Actually, I felt sad because I would separate with my beloved person again.  But, it a must!  I couldn’t refuse it!  After we prepared for a while time, we went to the terminal.  I must said goodbye with my beloved person.  Oh, it was so sadden for us!
My last holiday was unforgotable moment in my life.  It was a wonderful holiday.

  • Contoh Descriptive Text:
My Beloved Family
I have a nice and wonderful family.  My family consist of my parents, me and my brother.  We stay in Panumbangan, Ciamis.  I think, my family is the best family in the world.
Weekend is the special day for us.  Because in the weekend ,we can stay together.  Actually, my father works in Bandung.  He works in Kodam III  Siliwangi.  Yeah, he is a soldier.  I proud of him.  He  is a strong, prudent, honest and kind father.  He protects and loves our family.
My father is 47 years old.  He has black and wave hair.  His skin is brown.  He is tall and handsome.  I love him so much!
My mother and my brother stay in Ciamis.  My mother wears a veil.  She is beautiful and has white skin.  Now, she is 45 years old.
My mother is a kind, patient, care and the best mother.  She manages everything in our home.  I love her so much!
I also love my brother.  Although we always fight, but he is the best brother that I have.  He is 5th grade I the elementary school.  He is tall, thin and has straight hair.
He is smart, cute and handsome.  His hobby is playing PlayStation, playing football and playing chess.  And sometimes, I play PS with him.
Yeah, we always spend our holiday together.  Sometimes we go to the swimming pool, or just chat and share about everything.  I am really love my family.  My beloved family is my happiness.

  •  Contoh Explanation Text:
How A Relocated Chart Works
The relocation report gives general information about what conditions or experiences one might encounter in a chosen location. The AstroMap is a graphic representation showing where the most beneficial lines of influence run along a particular place on the globe. For purposes of giving an individual the widest range of choice, the AstroMap along with the selected lifestyle theme, is usually generated for a chosen continent or even the entire world. Lifestyle themes refer to places where one would find romance, enhanced career opportunities, inspiration, etc.
AstroMaps developed by Astrologer Jim Lewis show locations where certain key planets are conjunct the house cusps. This is the function of the Treasure Maps offered here at Sky View Zone. You will often see these kinds of maps referred to as AstroLocality maps. Intensive research by Jim has shown that these maps do indeed provide accurate and beneficial information.
A birth time is necessary to generate a relocation report because the Ascendant (ASC.) and Midheaven (MC) play an important role in reading these types of charts. If an individual has a Libra Ascendant in their natal chart and Aquarius rising in the relocated chart, the person would still be very other person oriented and sociable, but with an added note of independence and perhaps even rebellion that may not normally manifest had they never moved from the birthplace. The reocated chart  does not alter the personality. Instead it seems to affect the types of experiences the person encounters thereby altering the approach to certain circumstances.
The emphasis in the relocated chart report are the aspects to the relocated house cusps, most importantly the new Ascendant and Midheaven. The signs and houses in this case are not of primary importance.
For example; say that you are wanting to change careers or are not happy with the career opportunities presented in your current location and are wondering if a move to another place would be beneficial. You would try to find a place where Jupiter, the Sun or Mars was aspecting the 10th house cusp.

  •  Contoh Narrative Text:

Once day when a rabbit was walking in the forest, he heard someone crying out, “Help! Help! “ He looked around, and finally he saw a wolf.  A great stone had fallen on his back so that he could not get up. He asked the rabbit’s help, and said that h would die if nobody helped him.
The rabbit worked very hard, and finally managed to get the big stone off the wolf’s back.  Thaen the wolf jumped up and caught the rabbit in his mouth.  The rabbit cried and asked for mercy, but the wolf insisted on killing him for his meal.
The rabbit said, “No good person kills someone who was helped him.  It is not fair.  You can ask the duck, who is very fat and knows everything.”
            So both of them went to the duck.  He listened tho their story, and then he said, “Show me the stone.”  They went to the stone.
            “Now, let me be sure about this,” said the duck.  “Put the stone on the wolf’s back exactly as it was when you found him.  “So the wolf lay down, and with much effort the stone was put on his back again.   “Well, what do you think?” the wolf asked the duck.
            The duck thought for a moment.  Then he said, “I think you were wrong to be cruel to the rabbit, who had helped you.  Now see if someone else will help you”!
            And leaving him in the sorry state which the rabbit had come upon him, they went their way.

Okeh, segitu dulu buat kumpulan tugas saya. Nanti di update lagi ya :)


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